Saturday, 30 November 2013

Emma's 1st Concert Performance

Emma had her first school concert performance on 30 Nov at Matrix @ Biopolis. 

We thoroughly enjoyed her performance, especially as she was one of the rare few toddlers in her class who actually performed. The boys were mainly frozen, with the exception of one boy who kept running round and round on stage. Her performance cost almost as much as a superstar concert:

Costumes - $45
Tickets - $25 per ticket for first 1 tickets and $10 per ticket for subsequent tickets
DVD - $35
Total: $150

I did highlight to the school that it was quite expensive, especially since my second sister-in-law told me that the parents at her kids' PCF were complaining that they had to pay $2 for tickets when it was free previously. I told the principal personally as well, if they could consider venues like primary school halls or community centres, which would also be nearer and easier for rehearsals. But somehow they seem quite fixed on Biopolis, and unfortunately will be using the same venue this year. 

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